We are so excited to start another year of Mommy, Monet and Me! We had a great group of excited toddlers and their moms, and even a grandpa join us on Monday. Here are our "A" projects!
My favorite project of the day was the aquarium pictures we made. They are so simple, relatively clean, and allow for endless creativity!
Materials: Blue paper, white, blue and purple dot markers, foam ovals, triangles and stars, and glue sticks
First we dotted our light blue paper with blue, white and purple dot markers to make the aquarium water look bubbly and add some texture. Then we created fish by gluing an oval and a triangle shape together on the paper. The children used markers to add details to their fish, create seaweed and draw sand in their aquariums. I wish I had more pictures for you but we were having too much fun creating!
Alphabet Stamps
Materials: Alphabet stamps or sponges, paint, tray, white paper.
For this activity I just let the children dip the sponges and stamps in a thin coat of paint and then stamp them on their paper. Moms helped children spell their names, and recognize letters. This is a great activity to help with early literacy and letter recognition while getting a little messy in the meantime:)
Materials: stamp pads, red paper, white chalk, markers or pencils, and little fingers
Have your child create a picnic blanket by making line with white chalk across red paper. Then let your child create ants all over the blanket by fingerprinting with black or red ink onto the paper. They can try to put three fingerprints in a row to make a more realistic ant. They can also add legs or antennae to their little insects.
Thanks for coming and creating with us. See you next Monday at 9:00 am for the letter B! Bubble, Buttons and Balloons!
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