Today in Mommy, Monet and Me our letter of the day was M. So we had three M related toddler friendly projects: Marble Painting, Marker Magic, and Monoprints! All three activities are so fun with kids of any age.
Materials: Paint, Marbles, Spoon, Box Lid (or something like it)
For marble painting I get an old box lid that will fit a piece of paper. Tape the paper down to the inside of the lid so it won't shift when you start painting. Get a few marbles and place one or two in each paint color (I water down the paint a little so the marble will roll easily). Have your child use the spoon to drop one or two marbles in the box lid, and start moving the box so the painted marbles roll all over your paper! A box lid with high sides is best so that you don't lose your marbles! I like to use red, yellow and blue paint so when the colors mix they make new colors!

Materials: Constructions paper, scissors, dry erase markers, old sock or rag (to erase with)
I cut out some simple frames out of construction paper and taped them to the window. This serves two purposes. First, it makes drawing on the window even more special and fancy, and second it will give your toddler and natural boundary for their artwork. They are usually pretty good at staying in the frame. I always preface this activity by reminding our little artists that these are special markers and we can't use regular markers to draw on the windows and we never draw on the walls:) Let your toddler use dry erase markers to draw on the window, and a rag or old sock to erase and start again. They will have so much fun creating their masterpieces, and when they are all done the picture is framed and on display!

Materials: Baking tray or other flat smooth surface, paint, small paint roller or paintbrushes, q-tips, scrap paper
This activity was the favorite of the day! The kids stayed at this station the longest and loved printing new pictures over and over again. This is a basic printing technique to create one of a kind prints. Simply apply paint thinly to the inside of the baking tray (I use small paint rollers like this). You can also use a paintbrush to apply the paint. Then let your little one use a q-tip, or their fingers to make lines and designs in the paint. When they are satisfied with their creation press a piece of paper onto the tray and voila! A beautiful monoprint! I love this activity because the mess is contained within the tray and the results are beautiful. I also recommend using primary colors for this activity so the mixing paint creates beautiful new colors!
Remember moms: creativity takes courage! Don't be afraid to get a little messy, your kids will love it!
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