Today marked the beginning of the third year of our learning center. This adventure began as a dream over 30 years ago. I never really thought that it would become a reality. As I watched the preschoolers begin their first day of school today I knew that within each of those precious little children was the beginning of a lifetime of dreams and expectations that are just beginning. We feel so honored to be part of that journey. The teachers have spent weeks planning just the right songs, activities, and stories to captivate the minds of the new crop of preschoolers that would arrive today. The children arrived with their new backpacks that were almost as big as they were and their little faces were glowing with anticipation of what the day would hold for them.
At the end of the first day, every one went home happy, both teachers and children. I know that this peaceful and fun filled beginning is just the start of a super year. When we started this learning center two years ago, our goal was to create a place that was a resource for families and also a place where children and families could come to learn and have fun.

We began our first year with 30 preschoolers and a handful of tutoring students. We are so grateful that the parents from that first year were willing to take a chance on us. This school year we are starting with 120 preschoolers, enough tutoring students to keep three tutors busy and some awesome after school classes that are full to overflowing. I am so thankful for wonderful teachers that carefully plan and lovingly teach every day, and for the parents that have given us the opportunity to teach their children and make our wildest dreams come true.
Stephanie Harker, Director